Blog Archives


when i miss you most
again pink the close of the day
when You are not here

morning close of night

as if it contained you me

too see mourning with


Sometimes you start to shrink
when i think
of you on the street in Milan
eye was near
nearly in tears when i asked
speak for me,
on the phone,
i can’t possibly,
in Italian.
The head dumbly Shaking
starting the shrink
almost shame
i loved you, for
wouldn’t you do almost
anything for me?
my knight in shining armour
or not, it seems
majik or some silliness-made
UP Word! You know?


rain cold wet
i hear it now, the rain
starting and your voice
shaking slightly why
i notice all the small 
internal twitches that
make you shake on
the outside when i
said your name, your
hand came out just
enough for me too
to touch and feel that
shimmer run through
like electric current
rain cold wet for
you i want
to make me warm

Be Pink The Sky Now

there is one star left
centered above the giant wonkey pine
it flickers like the furnace just coming
on rattling sounds paper walls
i doze again and it is almost gone
so good were the stars this night
i tried to stay awake watching long
long enough to see one shoot or fall
touching the tip of the pointed branch
maybe it will rim the curve, no
now its as if in the middle of a glass
almost gone, drank, headache holiday parties
imagine it blind, i cry, don’t leave
stay hanging in The Sky for
ever lasting light and tiny pricks
all the connection and how it feels
losing our senses, gaining a new
like nothing we have ever known
type of touch that could never be
before love before loss be
pink the sky now


those things that cannot be said

live in our head, my body

parts that speak to us, words formed

from some distant time

over and over again and anger

i thought of how i want –

but can’t say, don’t want too

at other times – out loud

(not hear in public even if

the audience is so small) (the end of the public poem)

When i do make sounds for

You in particular, mouthing your

Name and the thought of your

Body’s reaction too mine – the heat

I think it is friction of the potential

Little pin points prick and tantalize

Drawing closer, circling, i laugh

Now you say, i like to make you mad

A little and then feel your surge inside

Of me from you, straight through

sitting, laughing, dancing,

crying in your hug.

WANT /too

In the field one sits
long hard tall, balanced
my soft pink sweater w
holes for finding gophers
men, you, who 
wins? it was never about
until now reach inside
a suitcase varietal
my under where
he sits and waits along
lines of unpassionate love

do it, touch me there, eye
ask not what you can
do me like that, confident
hard tall feeling, a glass
between the rows
twirling elegantly
between my fingers



Butt first, i smile up

Along the inside of your legs

Rub, rubbing. you write to me

You want, too, butt

Sheaks lifting slightly

two different things

Double talk

I wonder, two different men

Pulling apart around the

Center, you exhale, desiring

Not yet, i play more watching it

Grow, lick just along

the line getting longer

Base to eye, want too

Sling my legs over the top of

you now

And move just write, i never

Did rub, butt you wrote



Will you pose for me as

Eye you i will too

Sketch your wretched old

Penis shriveled in afterglow

a blur

the blur of the fog sits low

till static mists of light become stars

tiny and new, as if

as if one could be reborn a billion light years from here.

what could it be to have known you then?

taken your hand, the side of your arm

i pull in to you

Sit Low

the blur of the fog sits low

till static mists of light become stars

tiny and new, as if

as if one could be reborn a billion light years from here

what could it be to have know you then? taken your hand,

the side of your arm, i pull in to you.




O i want to have a wedding

In the purple reign

Purple reign

Purple reign


A dress soft white and flowing and

A simple crown

Simply elegant and green, green

Stone eyes and kisses hot

Hot like when eye was a mountain maiden

Dressed in fur and handled by strong men


A kiss

Purple hot and slow w

Him jim


Plump and dripping rounded

Feeling hands

4/23/18 NO SLEEP


Till Tejas or just Hause the dude on the ranch i wish i had

Like that place where we go, to be

Too have it all – you know – as i see you

Everything or nothing,


nothing at all, said from the stairs

Be careful, a fall, exhaustion and drinking too much

Where have you gone to Jerry, Brown

Is downtown and remember

Remember – the love that the love that

The love that.