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riot, your foot
is the language
on my throat
silent boots beat
in rhythmic chant
fuck the po:
re: lice, magots
we’ll be by morning
fuck the po:lice
whose beats steal
our, i can’t breathe, of
the silent. gone
fuck the po:
the Flo:
yd id id id
let go the ego
flow floyd flow
let go the ego
george george
flow george flow


when i miss you most
again pink the close of the day
when You are not here

morning close of night

as if it contained you me

too see mourning with

Still Pink The Sky

still pink with morning
a pair of mallards wing over
high damn that crow
came in just as fast
making its target a
nest of small songs
yet to come, hatch
whathaveyou it will
never be exactly the
same way twice, love
nomatterwhat you do

Lay Upon This

The sun waking up in the clouds
look! it has come but still one
can see throbbing, undulating
internal organs – the sun’s
heat and pink skin too sky a
why oh why evoking tears
the way it lightly, ever so slowly
touched the bottom of each
so tiny many cumulus
just yet painful beauty
for such potential lay
upon this new day

The Rain

The Rain
i wrote last night
sounds splatter broke by
car tires and chirps
soaked, i said wet, so
so, where is the
rain subsides – comes
and goes, comes again
You, The Rain, me
Cold. and i see us
Do you not think? and
That, that you sent

J’y vois plus clair dans mon jeu.
Light moves across the cathedral floor.
The hand beside the hole – just
one frame – wild flowers in
magnified technicolor, our art
won’t you please make, love
too me, avec vous, moi you

c’mon, baby
i want, too, feel you dancing
in the purple pain it will cause now i must get up and run – run – run fuck, me
it’s like instead of love, you say fuck,
then sign off.

Now, tout suite, bien sur, it is me:
i am back for you, won’t you please?
i ain’t no fro fromage , you
all of it, art.
share with me, love


love is missing – like some

code word for forever sad

too bad addiction takes many

love is giving – i to you too

me and how we burst

sun-like running blinded

through golden fields

we fall, elated, laughing

come closer, silly, she says

grabbing his butt as he lays

her, kissing where

are we?

yes. he says it all serious, tears

coming from his eye love you

too, she squeaks out from

under his hand goes down

kissing her deeper, feeling

her depths, layers of moist

clean and long he she closes

her eyes, squeezing him tight


making amends
for yourselfish
w the
she is

Roberto Ferri - Galleria quadri e dipinti

i regret to inform you

And sometimes i think of war O’
mar of The Sea and cry
The images so, cry for the
pain in my chest, and tits
like such a minor, even if
but to have more and O’
mar of The Sea breaks
children die and why can’t
there be more years
seasons of good and
tears from tiny buds, vines
in so many connotations
in my hands wrap around
i am dirty and from sweat
working the vineyard,
see you laughing, but
war, i cry. The bomb
A bomb O’
mar. my legs wrap ’round
really i cry as i as why ask
why, come for you for
death made us do it

we woke together, entwined by blood

tears and sweat, sweet to the taste

and to be too see

you laughing as

the last thing we see before death

i regret to inform you



Be Pink The Sky Now

there is one star left
centered above the giant wonkey pine
it flickers like the furnace just coming
on rattling sounds paper walls
i doze again and it is almost gone
so good were the stars this night
i tried to stay awake watching long
long enough to see one shoot or fall
touching the tip of the pointed branch
maybe it will rim the curve, no
now its as if in the middle of a glass
almost gone, drank, headache holiday parties
imagine it blind, i cry, don’t leave
stay hanging in The Sky for
ever lasting light and tiny pricks
all the connection and how it feels
losing our senses, gaining a new
like nothing we have ever known
type of touch that could never be
before love before loss be
pink the sky now

Singing in The

bathing in the rain
drops drip drop blame
game it is not
bathing in the rain
don’t care about The Stars when
bathing in Champagne
so vogue the bubbles lit
the music take your body
dancing in the purple roll’
rollin’ workin’ for the
man every day and night
singin’ in the bath
bathing in the rain
let me see you laughing
let me make you cry
i want too to
see you dancing
in your underwear